Hire Tutor For ADHD
Hire our tutors for Home based session for ADHD students , children .our ADHD home tutors and therapist are expert for ADHD treatment. ADHD is a neurological condition that first presents itself in early childhood and has been known to continue into adulthood for around 60% of those who have it. With a diagnosis typically being made at the age of seven, ADHD can have a profound impact on a child’s ability to learn during school. Our Home tutors , Psychologist , therapist , treat your ADHD students for betterment their physical condition , routine activities . We serve you all over lahore , karachi , Islamabad . Online services available for ADHD treatment tips for outside families.
Symptoms and Diagnosis
Symptoms of ADHD:
- distractibility
- difficulty focusing or listening
- easily becoming bored
- daydreaming
- failing to follow through with instructions
- difficulty organising
- often forgetful
Symptoms of those who are classed as predominantly hyperactive/impulsive are:
- fidgeting
- failing to stay seated
- constant talking
- uncontrollable physical activity
- difficulty staying quiet
- impatience
- interrupting often
We Serve Your child For :
- Learning Strategies
- Remove distractions
- Provide breaks
- Maintain a routine
- Communicate clearly, concisely and compassionately.
If your child suffered in down syndrome , contact Us for tutoring and home based session.
We Providing Tutor services In Lahore/Islamabad/Karachi , Pakistan & Online to All Students
Our Team:
- Special child School/Colleges experience holder
- Universities Experienced holder
- Professor/Lecturers/ Clinical Psychologist
- physiotherapist Home Session / in Clinic session
- behavioral therapist
- Speech  therapist
- Fine Motors Activities
- Self- help Expert
- Young/fresh Graduates from Renowned UniversitiesÂ
We Serve you:
- Home Based Services
- Home Tuition
- In Door Services